Sawtry Sport 4 All


Free Community Sports Event

CARESCO has been proud to be a partner organisation in Sawtry Sport 4 All, helping to organise this amazing day for our local community. Working closely with our friends at Sawtry Walk to Run, we launched the first SS4A day in July 2019 and welcomed over 1000 people to the event. Sadly cancelled due the pandemic in 2020, we were back again in September 2021 with our second event and the third in July 2022.

The event was originally set up after a community consultation by Hunts Forum in 2018 revealed that villagers wanted more big community events, so the aim behind the day has been to facilitate a sport-based event, pulling together local sports clubs, groups and classes to provide a wide range of activities giving visitors a taster and an opportunity to get involved. Sawtry is blessed with many sports clubs and in 2022 we also had organisations from outside Sawtry join us too. It was an impressive line-up which was added to with some brilliant inflatables and cycle challenges.

The event itself has taken place on the main field of Sawtry Village Academy, in Sawtry Academy Leisure Centre, Sawtry and District Bowling Club, in and behind the Old School Hall and in the CARESCO Centre.

There was no charge to partake in any of the activities, nor for the drinks (and bonus mini flapjacks and brownies) we gave out to help with the heat. The event is only free to attend as a result of hundreds of volunteer hours both from the organisers, Sawtry Walk to Run and CARESCO, and all the clubs and organisations who gave their time on the day and the Parish Council, Sawtry Village Academy, Sawtry Academy Leisure and Sawtry Bowls Club for allowing us to use their space. A few grand from the National Lottery Community Fund covers the cost of the inflatables, cycle challenges and skateboarding lessons plus insurance, leaflets, the website, bunting, prizes and all those other bits which are needed to help make the event a success.

All three Sawtry Sport 4 All events have been fantastic, but the organising committee has been reduced to just three volunteers for the last two years. That is a lot of organising to do between them in their spare time. As such, both Sawtry Walk To Run and CARESCO have regrettably decided that 2022 was our last year. However, there is a blueprint, we know how it works, we know how it could be improved and so if anyone / any organisations would like to take it over, please do get in touch and we will be happy to pass on our blueprint with all the contacts, risk assessment et al. If it doesn't continue, it’s been amazing and we are so pleased we have been able to put this on for the village and we hope all those who have participated in any shape or form have had a blast.

Page last updated: Mon 25 Jul 2022

Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise.