Commercial Advertising

The Sawtry Eye is produced as two halves, the front section is for community news, views and events while the second is for the commercial adverts. The deadline for adverts is a week before the deadline for news. Copy can be submitted by contacting the Editors (preferred option) or alternatively on a disk or as a printed/handwritten copy delivered to the CARESCO Centre.

When submitting items to the Sawtry Eye, please make your instructions clear and include your full contact details. Payment can be made by bank transfer (preferred option) - please contact the office for details. Or alternatively by cash or cheque where that is not possible. There are three payment options: either per issue, or for a block booking of twelve months which can be paid for in a single payment (cheapest option) before the first issue, alternatively the block booking can be paid at a monthly rate by Standing Order, however the first issue must be paid before publication to ensure inclusion.

Our preferred formats are MSWord or MSPublisher.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive a reminder before each deadline, please get in touch.

Commercial Adverts

To place an advert in a future issue of Sawtry Eye, please contact the Editors, or call the office on 01487 832105.

Advertisers who place their advertisement for a year (6 issues) at a time will receive a reminder when their booking runs out.

Please Support CARESCO

Sawtry Eye is published by CARESCO as a service to the community of Sawtry and relies the support of our commercial advertisers to cover the costs of production. Any profit made is put straight back into the organisation to help support our other services to the community.

Please get in touch if you would like to get involved, or click here to find out more about how you can help support the work of CARESCO.

Page last updated: Fri 4 Dec 2020

Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise.