Sounds Good Enjoying all things musical and the spoken wordOur Sounds Good group is available for anyone who enjoys music in any form, or the spoken word. The group meets twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Friday from 1.30 - 3pm in the CARESCO Centre. Those who attend have a wide range of abilities, the important factor is that they all get pleasure from sharing together. Over time, the group have experienced various sessions, from sharing a favourite track to a sing-a-long session from one of the musicals, from having a go on a range of musical instruments to enjoying a sounds based quiz. They have also shared favourite poems and prose and even read some of their own creations.
Sessions are either led by group members or guests on a rolling programme agreed by the group. The atmosphere is very relaxed and all levels of ability and knowledge are represented. Each afternoon finishes off with a social time over refreshments. There is a charge of £2 per session to cover costs For more information, please download our leaflet Page last updated: Tue 5 Dec 2023
Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise. |