How You Can Support CARESCO

Thank you to everyone who has supported us financially over the years. As with most charities, we have to raise the money needed to fund our services, we do this through a number of ways:

Charity Shop

The CARESCO Charity Shop is a popular venue for socialising, connection and information as well as for finding a bargain. Opened in 2013 to secure a reliable source of funding, the shop has successfully become our main source of income as well as providing a service in itself. A local low-cost source of pre-loved items, the shop is popular with all ages. With a team of volunteers working shifts through the week, the shop also provides a friendship and support network for many.

Those who are UK tax payers and donate their unwanted goods to the shop are invited to complete a Retail Gift Aid declaration form so that we can claim back the gift aid on the proceeds from the sale of those items.

Fundraising Activities

We have an ongoing and varied programme of activities throughout the year, co-ordinated by our Fundraising Manager. These include themed music evenings, quizzes, sponsored events, concerts, dances and so on, we also join in with community events such as the annual Sawtry Carnival. All proceeds go towards our on-going running costs unless otherwise specified.

If you would like details of our latest fundraising activities click here.

Some of our activity teams arrange their own events with the proceeds being used to supplement their group’s offerings. In addition, from time to time, other people or organisations run an event and kindly make us their beneficiary.


We welcome donations from individuals and groups throughout the year. These can be single one-off amounts, or on-going on a regular basis through our Funding Our Future campaign.


Donations can be made by cash or cheque through the CARESCO Centre, or by bank transfer, unfortunately we currently cannot accept donations by card payment. Cheques should be made payable to 'CARESCO'. If you would like your gift to go towards a specific activity within CARESCO, we ask you to let us know when making the donation. Please contact us for more information.

If you are a UK tax payer, please consider gift aiding your personal donations by completing our Gift Aid declaration form so that we can claim back the tax from the government. This will increase the value of your donation by 25% without an additional cost to you.

Donations can also be made via the DONATE NOW button below and in the information panel to the right hand side of every page on this site. This will take you to the Wonderful website where you can make your donation and also if you are a UK taxpayer, you can make a gift aid declaration to cover your donation.

Any donations made via Wonderful will be used as general funds to further our work. Should you want yours to be used for a specific purpose, please contact us direct with your name, the activity you would like your donation to support in particular, the amount given and the date and we will use your donation accordingly.


Any Old or Foreign Currancy?

We are collecting unwanted coins and notes which we can use to raise additional funds to support our work.




Shop online? You can now support CARESCO by doing your internet shopping via our Easyfundraising page. It costs you nothing and the commission from your purchases will help to support our work.


We have been supported by Cambridgeshire County Council since the early years with an annual grant aid donation towards the costs of running our day care club. We have also benefited from other grants made by local parish councils and other organisations and charitable Trusts.

Postcode Places Trust

The Postcode Places Trust is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. Their players are making a difference by supporting a wide range of charities and good causes across Britain and around the world. To date, they’ve provided more than £1.1 Billion in funding which is helping thousands of organisations and projects like ours. We were delighted to receive funding in April 2023 from the Trust. This was used to help with our higher running costs after a very difficult winter for us caused mostly by the Cost of Living crisis.

Buckles Solicitors (Vera Fox Trust and Mary Merchant Trust)

Buckles Solicitors in Peterborough have been extremely helpful to us in helping to secure grants from the above Trusts. Buckles help the communities where they live and work with grants and donations delivered through established relationships with businesses and individuals. The Buckles charity committee helps manage fundraising activities and charitable sponsorship throughout the year and support local charities like ours. We were delighted to receive funding in both April and September 2023 respectively in unrestricted funding. This is being used to help with our minibus monthly lease costs, fuel, tax and insurance as well as general running costs and items for our groups.

The Garfield Weston Foundation

The Garfield Weston Foundation is a family founded grant-maker that gives money to support a wide range of charities across the UK. In total they donate around £90 million each year to support a wide range of charities like ours that make a positive difference to their local communities. We were delighted to receive unrestricted funding in April 2023 from the Foundation. This is being used to help mainly with our core running costs.

Gifts & Funerals

In their time of grief, some families are kind enough to nominate CARESCO to receive a collection taken at the funeral of a loved one. Please also consider including a gift in your Will to support our work.

Please contact us for more information if you are thinking of supporting us in this way.

Fundraising Regulator

Fundraising Regulator

CARESCO is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

Thank you

Without the support of the general public though donations, ticket sales, charity shop sales or by any other means, we would not be able to run our range of services for the local community. We are grateful for them all, no matter how big or small the contribution.

Should you wish to support the work of CARESCO please download our leaflet or if you would like details of our latest fundraising activities click here.

Disclaimer All funds raised and monies donated to CARESCO will be used for the original purpose they were intended. In the event that insufficient or excess funds are raised, they will be used in support of our general charitable activities including our core costs.

Page last updated: Wed 9 Oct 2024

Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise.